Dusanka Prevulovic
Peter Reimer
Paige Lucas-Dean
JiNan Cailu Media
8 months
Wenjia Wang
UX / UI Design
The motivation for this project come from my personal experience as an international traveler. I found difficulties understanding restaurant menus, which led to what I ordered not being what I expected. I found most international tourists also face the same problems as me during their trip. I felt this would be an interesting problem to solve, so I started this project with support from JiNan Cailu Media Co, Ltd, which is a company that pays attention to the travel market. They asked me to design a digital product to meet the demands of tourists and reduce their bad travel experience.
I was lucky to design the entire project from scratch, with guidance and criticism from the company's designers, from discovery to research and interviews to conceptualization, creation, testing, and finally delivering the final MVP after iterations.
The design challenge is to create an app to solve international tourists' problems caused by the language barrier on dining occasions and to reduce bad experiences at restaurants during their trip, to help them efficiently and successfully order the food that they want.
In what effective ways could an app help independent travelers who are under the cross-cultural background to solve problems that are caused by the language barrier at restaurants in their trip?